Uncle Sam & Uncle Ben
While reading Newsweek, I came across an article with "Uncle Sam" in the title. A thought suddenly popped into my head (it happens occasionally ;>) and I told Mark that if Ben ever has children, Samuel will be "Uncle Sam" ! Mark countered that if Samuel ever has children, Ben will be Uncle Ben and maybe they can get together and eat rice :>) Perhaps we should have rethought those names.....
Our future Uncle Ben & Uncle Sam
On the diaper-change assembly line; Samuel's aiming for a kiss
We're finally getting more "alert" pictures of Benjamin
I thought this was such a sweet picture; Samuel with his little friend Will. You wouldn't know it from the picture, but Samuel was quite an "Oscar the Grouch" just a little earlier !

(The non-PC caption would read: "Light, Medium, & Dark".........oh, please......weren't you thinking the same thing :>)