Happy HalloweeK !
"Peace, man !" ....... But hey, we won the best costume prize.......all the credit probably goes to that 'fro ;>)
Our Halloween turned into HalloweeK; we seemed to be on the run all week with various Halloween activities. It was a lot of fun, but glad this is just once a year ! Although I wouldn't have believed it when I was a kid, I think watching our kids do these things was more fun than when we were little and did it ourselves.
Couldn't resist a shot of Benjamin in the leaves with the pumpkin that Samuel finds SO scary (if any of you remember from last year's post). Maybe Ben will feel differently about it next year. We couldn't even get Samuel to come out of the garage when we got this pumpkin out !!
We went to visit Mrs. Robertson earlier in the week. We decided to "let" Samuel wear his costume, both as a trial run and because we thought Mrs. R would enjoy seeing him in it. "Let" implies he wanted to wear it; "forced" would be the more appropriate word. He was so pouty when we got there, but she brought him out of his shell. He took the costume off after we were there a little while, but she even convinced him to put it back on when it was time to go !! We decided maybe we should bring her to our house Halloween to get him dressed ;>)
We also did some Halloween activities with Samuel's friend, Will, in the week before Halloween. At the Halloween party he went to the day before Halloween, Samuel was perfectly happy to wear his costume.
That same night, we went trick-or-treating at the grands and at some friends. Unfortunately, Samuel was back in "anti-Halloween" mode and it took quite a while for him to warm up, but he finally did.....
Okay, now for Halloween day. For the first time since we've been together, we had a chance to dress up for a Halloween party. It was really a lot of fun both for the kids and for us.
We vote for Mark's costume. Dave says that the picture of Mark making the peace sign looks like he's standing in a "Mary Jane" patch...
By Mary Ann Abner, at 10:20 PM
Wow - these halloween posts are just cracking me up. We were hoping to be able to crash the party, but it just didn't work out. I am so sad that we missed out - it looked like so much fun. The pick in Mark's hair is so hilarious.
By Micah, at 3:00 PM
Hey they are SSSOOO cute
By Anonymous, at 7:11 PM
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