Time Flies.....
when you're having fun.....and/or not sleeping! Benjamin has already turned 2 months old; he weighed 13 lbs 1 oz; that's 2 pounds since his 1 month checkup ! Our little butterball needs to slow down and not grow up so fast. He continues to be a "spitting-up, frequent-eating, sleep-disrupting, sweet and stinky" bundle of joy, and Samuel continues to be a loving big brother. We are very blessed!
Samuel spent Monday at the grands so he wouldn't "freak out" when they gave Ben shots (he had quite a meltdown at Ben's newborn check----why???---we do not know, as is generally the case with 95% of the things our 2-year-old does). Ben's appointment wasn't until after 1 pm, so I looked forward to extra sleep time with him since Samuel left with Mark. After the first feeding of the morning, he was fussy and wouldn't stay asleep. I finally took him to the living room to rock; after quite awhile, he fell asleep. I took him back to bed with me for my extra sleep but he woke up when I tried to put him down. Somewhere in there was another feeding, more attempts at trying to get him to sleep; a couple of hours had gone by, so finally, in exasperation, I gave up and decided to get up for the day. I made a quick trip to the bathroom and came back to get Ben, only to find that he was now sound asleep. I was completely awake by that time, but he slept for close to 2 hours. Of course ;>)
Here are some pics of our recent "goings-on" :
Our little triple-chinner; he's been giving us big "social" smiles for several weeks now, but it seems like we can never capture one on camera; we were close in this pic ^
Samuel usually wears his sunglasses around his neck (see "why??" comment above ^). He was whining in the car about the sun being in his eyes, so he was pleased to find out the glasses could actually help with that !
Our anniversary was last week; Ashley had asked to babysit the boys before she left for college, so we obliged and went out to eat *alone*----I think we'd forgotten what that was like, but it was wonderful ;>) Samuel apparently conned them out of this truck (or maybe it was freely given?); either way, he was quite happy with it. Thanks again !
The next night, we went to the very lovely wedding of Sarah Gwin. I don't think Samuel has ever seen so many dolled up little girls before. Didn't get a picture, but there was a lovely little Asian girl with a beautiful dress on that Samuel just stared and stared at; she stared back and after several moments of looking at each other, Samuel gave her a "hey" flick of his hand (reminiscent of an awkward teenager) and she left ! The above little girl was behind us in the receiving line. Samuel and she also stared at each other, face to face, and then started a game of copycat. She would stomp her foot, so Samuel would stomp his foot; she would pat her hair, so Samuel would pat his hair, etc. This went on for a variety of actions---as if they were looking in a mirror. It was TOO cute; wish we'd had our video camera.
Samuel spent Monday at the grands so he wouldn't "freak out" when they gave Ben shots (he had quite a meltdown at Ben's newborn check----why???---we do not know, as is generally the case with 95% of the things our 2-year-old does). Ben's appointment wasn't until after 1 pm, so I looked forward to extra sleep time with him since Samuel left with Mark. After the first feeding of the morning, he was fussy and wouldn't stay asleep. I finally took him to the living room to rock; after quite awhile, he fell asleep. I took him back to bed with me for my extra sleep but he woke up when I tried to put him down. Somewhere in there was another feeding, more attempts at trying to get him to sleep; a couple of hours had gone by, so finally, in exasperation, I gave up and decided to get up for the day. I made a quick trip to the bathroom and came back to get Ben, only to find that he was now sound asleep. I was completely awake by that time, but he slept for close to 2 hours. Of course ;>)
Here are some pics of our recent "goings-on" :

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