Samuel & Ben's grandpa's birthday was last week; while we were visiting with friends in Nashville, they treated him to a little birthday surprise !
NOT helping Grandpa blow out his candles ! Samuel kept backing farther and farther away---guess he won't grow up to be a fireman ! (Hope not anyway, or houses will be going up in flames while Fireman Samuel looks on from a distance ;>)
Grandma & Ben; isn't this such a sweet picture ?!
(While I was posting, Samuel was watching & when I put this picture up, he put his finger to his mouth & said "Shh....." as though we might wake Ben up in the picture !)
Lauren & Ben
Samuel with his special friend, Mr. Mike; Samuel has always taken to him
Samuel with "Aunt" Renita & "Uncle" Norm
Playing with Lauren & Norm
Life of the party :>) Samuel always has so much fun with other kids, even "older" ones !
Pictures and updates on Samuel & Benjamin for our far-flung family and friends! Leave comments if you like, but mostly we just want you to enjoy the pics. We'll try to keep the site updated when we've got new pics. We think of all of you often and hope you enjoy "seeing" Samuel & Benjamin on a more regular basis !
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