Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Our Christmas far

Just some pics of our holiday activities so far.....

We plan to start some solids now that Ben's six months, but have been so busy with holiday activities we've not done it yet. He decided to take matters into his own hands by putting his face down in Mark's pistachio salad. You think that's a pediatrician-approved first food ;>) ?

Claire & Samuel take turns pushing each other around in the stroller.

Rosie was very sweet to make some Christmas cookies for the kids to decorate. Can you tell what was their favorite part ?

Yes, the S-P-R-I-N-K-L-E-S !! Poor Rosie had quite the mess to clean up !

Mark's brother, Michael, has endeared himself to Samuel by playing cars with him. Michael and Linda came up for a visit recently from Florida. It's the first time they've seen Samuel since he was about 15 months old. Samuel's changed a lot since then !

And, of course, they got to meet Ben for the first time; with Aunt Linda

And Uncle Michael

Samuel went to his first Christmas parade this year. This was the first time we'd ever seen a herd of sheep going down Main Street ! Samuel loved the fire trucks especially.....there were plenty to love too.......there were so many that Mark said he hoped nobody's house caught on fire during the parade ;>)

What's a parade without a flag to wave ? Most nights Samuel takes that flag to bed with him !

The birthday boys, Mark & Norm. Once again, Samuel's not getting too close to those candles ! I don't think we have to worry about him actually becoming a fireman !

Playing with Brian; Samuel just loved the Christmas village.

Ben with Lauren & Brian

This was at a Christmas party Samuel went to with his friend, Will. See what too much sugar does to them ;>)


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