Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Special Visitors

I'm so behind on posting; we've had such a busy fall and I have so many pictures, but in lieu of wading through those tonight, here are some pictures from our combination potluck/baby shower last night for Marcie & Lee and their son, Nicolai, who are back from Hungary for a visit over the holidays. It was so good to see them and finally meet 4 month old Nicolai !!

Two of the guests of honor ^. Don't know how it happened, but somehow we failed to get a picture of the proud dad----oops ;>)

Such a sweetie, although an exhausted little sweetie ! There's quite a time difference from Hungary to Tennessee.

We had a very good turnout and lots and lots of food.

Samuel's found a new friend in Melanie----although anyone who'll play cars with him automatically qualifies!

High fivin' with Lauren.

Shane took his turn with both Nicolai and Benjamin.

(1) Any guesses which baby spit up on Shane ?
(2) Any guesses what Shane did after that?
If you said (1) Benjamin and if you said (2) "gave him back", you would be correct ;>)

In addition to Shane, there were several "babysitters" helping me out, which was nice. I think Joe dazzled Ben with his orange.

I like to think Ben is laughing because he's thinking "how can anybody wear all that UT orange THIS season" ;>) I'm sure Mark appreciates that caption ;>)


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