Our Easter Parade
Samuel got his first real Easter basket this year. We put it together ourselves and stocked it with some of his favorite things, including C-A-R-S. He can never seem to get enough of those ! The bunny on the far left was a Hallmark after-Easter find from last year. It was marked down to around $3 and Mom almost forgot it was put back in the closet. It sings "At The Hop" and the various stuffed animals' mouths open and close while singing. It's really corny, but cute, and Samuel's had a blast dancing around to it since he learned where the on/off button is located ! He also got much more chocolate than he did at Valentine's, although we've been doling it out a little at a time, in an effort to control the hyperactivity !
Checking things out, item by item.....
We had Easter dinner at Dad's parents. The grands had a surprise for Samuel----ANOTHER Easter basket !
Checking out the airplanes with Grandpa...
This pic was after services Sunday evening----Samuel decided he could use his basket for an Easter hat !
After Grandma's wonderful dinner, Samuel got to hunt Easter eggs. Hiding them wasn't too hard, as they were kept mostly out in the open.
These 2 pics show Samuel with his basket full, although he left some eggs "unfound".
Besides the fact that it was pretty chilly, Samuel got bored before too long and enlisted Norm's help finding eggs.....
Norm carried his basket for Samuel, and Samuel would put the eggs in......if he felt like it.....some of the eggs he seemed to be particular about and wouldn't pick them up !
Dad's friend, Norm, with Dad and Samuel. (We have a picture of Dad with Norm's boys posed somewhat like this; of course, they're now adults----yikes !)
Samuel with Mom & Dad
Samuel with friends Norm, Renita, and Lauren