Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our (Sweet &) Funny Valentine

"My funny valentine
Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart".....

That song fits---Samuel does make us smile with our hearts :>) We decided to give him balloons for Valentine's Day. He had balloons for his first birthday, but didn't seem too interested then. A few weeks ago, a Publix employee gave him one and he was so happy with it, it seemed the obvious thing to do. (Of course, he doesn't know TOO much about chocolate yet, or he might realize he got gypped ! )

P.S. to his Alabama cousins/aunt/grandma----the mail came late today, after the above post, but Samuel loved his cards and little car. He kept saying "oh my" over and over !!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Please explain why......

a child whose stash of toys could rival ToysRUs, has more fun doing THIS......

.....or pulling the blinds up and down, or getting things out from underneath the bed, or unloading the kitchen cabinets, or dragging the clean laundry around the house before it's put away, or on and on and on.......
He must think Mom is bored and has nothing to do but put stuff away over and over again ;>)
Caught in the act!!.... this is his other big "crime". When I notice things have gotten too quiet, I can often find him here. He'll usually get down immediately and say an emphatic "no, no" but apparently he only feels "remorse" when caught.....

.....and in this picture, I don't think he feels guilty at all ! I must admit, it's hard to be too hard on him when he gives such a cute grin !

Walking Tall

.....on Daddy's shoulders

Trying on Daddy's hands.....

Big shoes to fill.....