Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Christmas, Part 1

This was our best Christmas yet ! Samuel was more "into" it than last year at 9 months. Christmas morning, we had Mark's parents come over to watch Samuel open his gifts and then have a late breakfast with us. Everyone had such a nice time.

What are we waiting for ??

Hanging out with Dad until his parents arrive.

They're here !

Samuel actually opened at least a few of his own gifts this year.

One of his gifts was the TMX Elmo, which he's had lots of fun with.

A lawnmower----(Mom might have thought twice about this purchase if she'd known how loud it was :>)

Samuel's biggest surprise and his most favorite of all---the Little Tikes car his grandparents got him. The video we took shows his excitement better than the pictures; he was THRILLED !

Mowing the floor

"Hugs and kisses" for the grandparents

Christmas, Part 2

We traveled to Alabama later Christmas Day for Christmas dinner that evening:

With Aunt Stacy

With cousins, Peyton, Trennis, Kayla, and Brooke

Despite the 6 year age difference, Trennis & Samuel have a love of matchbox cars in common!

With Grandma

Samuel got so many nice gifts in Alabama, including another type of Elmo, a parking garage for his cars, tools, and a vacuum cleaner !

As infrequently as he sees Mom do it :>), he was still a natural when it came to vacuuming ! Too bad it doesn't actually pick stuff up !