Hi Ho, Hi Ho
....it's off to hike we go....on our annual LeConte hike.
Samuel was a great little hiker (Mom would have been too if she could have traveled this way ;>)
Samuel and "Uncle Norm"
Samuel with "Aunt Renita & Uncle Norm"
Samuel even slept in the backpack!
The signs near the top always bring a sigh of relief !
Out at Cliff Tops for sunset; of course, it was so overcast (and cold !) there really wasn't much to see in the way of a sunset !
With one of our cabinmates, Chelsea
On our hike down Trillium Gap trail, we met the llamas who take the supplies to the top. They're very interesting to see; of course, they make you "watch your step" as you can find evidence of them all along the trail ;>)
The weather was sticky and "hot" (relatively speaking) and some of us ran out of water before we got to the top. Mark and Samuel got way ahead of Mom----that says a lot, doesn't it ! At least, she FINALLY got there !