Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho's off to hike we go....on our annual LeConte hike.

The weather was sticky and "hot" (relatively speaking) and some of us ran out of water before we got to the top. Mark and Samuel got way ahead of Mom----that says a lot, doesn't it ! At least, she FINALLY got there !

Part of our group at the base of Rainbow Falls Trail

Samuel was a great little hiker (Mom would have been too if she could have traveled this way ;>)

Chillin' out at Rainbow Falls for lunch

Samuel and "Uncle Norm"

Samuel with "Aunt Renita & Uncle Norm"

Samuel even slept in the backpack!

The signs near the top always bring a sigh of relief !

Dinner never tasted so good !

Out at Cliff Tops for sunset; of course, it was so overcast (and cold !) there really wasn't much to see in the way of a sunset !

With one of our cabinmates, Chelsea

On our hike down Trillium Gap trail, we met the llamas who take the supplies to the top. They're very interesting to see; of course, they make you "watch your step" as you can find evidence of them all along the trail ;>)

With Mom at our lunch break

With Samuel's buddy, Mike

Still a happy hiker !

We're getting close to the bottom !

Under Grotto Falls

With Mom on the deck of our "real" cabin (the one with running water and electricity) !

Samuel enjoyed the rocking chairs on the deck (actually, we all did !)

We had our usual musical entertainment on Friday evening after the hike

Having fun with Sarah

Samuel with the bear Mom bought him when some of us went shopping and with the pig that Aunt Renita bought him (she does a mean pig imitation herself ;>)

Samuel with sweet Nancy

Samuel is reading Lauren's book to her ;>)

With Dad in Gatlinburg before we left the Smokies

And with Mom


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