Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
That's the Pitts !

Kathy Oliver was a great "babysitter" ! She let Mom and Dad eat at the restaurant, while eating her lunch holding Samuel, and even changed a stinky diaper (that's usually when most people want to give him back !!)
Samuel with Kevin, Sarah, and Matthew
With Leah at the singing; Samuel "sang" louder than everyone sometimes!
We spent this past weekend with our friends, the Pitts. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. Samuel loved all the extra attention he got, especially from Erin, Clint, and Matthew. We also got to spend a good bit of time with others from the congregation there, so Samuel had even more attention. Things were kind of boring back at home Monday with just Mom !!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Our Little Pumpkin

We got the bright idea that we'd get some pictures of Samuel and Sackett. That went less than well as the dog didn't want his picture made---he wanted to run around AND.....

Samuel helped us give out candy to our trick or treaters Halloween night. We had lots of royalty, athletes, and assorted spooky characters come to our door.