Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 27, 2006

It was a good weekend...

Samuel and Kevin

Samuel and Kevin

With Grandpa

Jeremy, Jessica, and Naomi

(other than that unfortunate Alabama/Tennessee incident...) Mark's friend, Kevin, spent the weekend with Mark's parents, so we went up there too. Kevin was here to hold Broadmoor's meeting; he's a lawyer, an excellent preacher, and a new Dad too---to 3-month old Jasmine. Jasmine and her mom didn't get to come, but we enjoyed catching up with Kevin, and Samuel took to him just fine ! We enjoyed some great meals while visiting with quite a few of our Broadmoor friends and also heard four great lessons----it WAS a good weekend!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A House Divided

One Alabama fan and one Tennessee fan and a child caught in the middle.....(not really, his blood is red, not orange!) Grandma in Alabama provided the jacket; Mom provided the "Roll Tides"; and, this time, Dad provided the condolences----oh well, it IS just a game :>)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Like Father, Like Son

Mom found a cap for Samuel just like Dad's favorite cap, so she couldn't resist !

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Prune Feet

WARNING: For those sensitive viewers out there, you may want to bypass this entry, as it probably falls under the "Too Much Information" category.

Yes, those are Samuel's feet squishing in recycled prunes. Shortly after the post below, it has now been decided that prunes are NOT our friends, but simply a necessary evil. Those pesky prunes just keep showing back up in the most inconvenient ways and seemingly in greater quantities than originally went in! Samuel was laughing and playing, apparently unconcerned about the situation. Reluctant for what lay ahead (or further up the legs), Mom called her mother who asked "when is Mark getting home? perhaps you could just leave Samuel in the exersaucer for Mark to discover, as though you hadn't noticed". Tempting thought---since Mark missed the spit-up prunes YESTERDAY in Mom's hair, down the back of Mom's top and skirt, in a puddle on the carpet, and he also missed the "prune party" Mom had already cleaned up earlier today (somewhere between the input and the output, they really do seem to multiply)---but Mark wouldn't be home for about 2 hours. (He misses all the fun by going to work everyday.) Trying to postpone the cleanup a little longer, Mom did think to capture the above picture for nagging and blackmail purposes when Samuel is a teenager. It took two baths to get him cleaned up; the clothes and the cloth seat are outside in the rain "pre-rinsing"; and half-a-container of disinfectant wipes later, it seems those prunes are gone for good. I'm sure they're lurking around here somewhere though, multiplying, and just waiting to jump out when it's least expected.....

Prune Face

Samuel started his first solids recently. (Do babies actually swallow the food or just absorb it through the face?) Also, as new parents, we have discovered that "prunes are our friends" !

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Dad, can I borrow the car?"


"See, Dad, it's like this...."

"Thanks, Dad. I'll be home by 10:00"

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Card Shark

How's that for a "poker face" !

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cabin Fever (the good kind !)

This was our REAL (or fake ?) cabin where we spent the other 3 nights of our trip; it DID have electricity and running water (and jacuzzis and an elevator and a pool table and ... ;>)

We had the most relaxing and enjoyable time in our "other" cabin. Wish we could have stayed on much longer! It was a great weekend with many friends and especially some old friends (old as in "longterm", not "feeble" !) We're so glad Samuel's getting to bond with some of Dad's special friends dating back to his teenage years, as well as with our other Broadmoor friends. There was an ABUNDANCE of babysitters ! It was so nice to share Samuel; he loved the attention and Mom/Dad appreciated the break----come visit us anytime!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What goes up, must come down.....

Samuel's rarin' to go on Fri, Sep 29.....we think !

One of the gorgeous views on the way down; the pictures still don't do it justice

For the first 1/2 hour or so down, Samuel was NOT a happy hiker! The novelty had worn off and he was no longer the content little boy from the day before (maybe 2 days of carrying Dad was just too much to ask !) We switched him around so that he was facing Dad and after awhile he did go to sleep. He was fine the rest of the way down.

We're about halfway down; we had just had our lunch break and Samuel had already returned to his Happy Hiker self.

He was not a Happy Carseater, though! We're headed back to our cabin (the one with running water and electricity!) Maybe he thought he'd never have to endure the carseat again after two days of walking.....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

On Top of Old Smoky

Samuel and Dad enjoying the hot chocolate....well, Dad anyway

There was no lack of good friends and good babysitters on the mountaintop

We survived the night !

More good babysitters and friends

After all the rain Thursday evening, Friday dawned sunny and beautiful

Mom and Samuel on the porch of our "home away from home"

Thursday, after arriving at the top, we got some rest, and then we had a great time in the dining room with all our friends that evening. We're so glad so many of our friends enjoyed having Samuel on the hike. We were assigned our own private little cabin (a first) and Samuel slept mostly through the night, getting up only once. It is easier taking care of a baby with running water and electricity, but we managed just fine for one night---we wouldn't want to live that way all the time, though !

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Hikers

These are out of order, but....

At some point later on the trail, Samuel finally fell asleep...

Samuel was a Happy Hiker from the get-go; at this early point, Dad was too !

Mom and Dad's lunch break, about halfway up; Samuel got his lunch later on the trail.

Dad carried Samuel like this for about 5.5 hours; just think.......Mom did it for 9 months :>)

Our little Happy Hiker; as someone said, Samuel carried Dad all the way up LeConte on his back !

These are the first of our LeConte trip pictures; will be posting more. Samuel was an excellent hiker going up Mt. LeConte, Sep 28. He didn't cry or complain, not even once, which was more than Mom and Dad can say about themselves!! ("My legs hurt, my shoulders hurt, I'm hot.....") We took one of the shorter trails (around 5.5 miles) and, although we passed---and were passed by--- the same folks again and again, we were some of the latter ones up. Of course, we did have to find a good sittin' rock for diaper changes and feeding Samuel, so that's our excuse for not being the first ones up! However, we (and the rest of our group) made it up before the thunderstorms and rain came, which was a big relief. Samuel was a real trouper!