Samuel's Club (Ben has joined !) Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's !

SOOOOO behind on posting ! One of these days I'll go back and post our Christmas pics for all you relatives who were there ;>) In the meantime, hope you enjoy some of our Valentine's fun......

Samuel went to a little Valentine party; his friends Claire and Will were there too. They all received way too much candy ;>)

After the party, we all went out to eat and then Amy and I took our kids to the park.

Amy helped Samuel slide. I'm not sure Samuel really meant to go down it the first time. He belly-flopped halfway down the slide and came off the slide onto his belly ! He was pretty shaken up, but actually got back on it again later !

See-sawing with Amy

If at first you don't succeed, try try again.....I thought this was pretty brave of him !

Valentine's Day was full of cards/packages from Alabama and a few gifts from Mom and Dad.

Ben and Samuel with one of their cards

Balloons and candy (M&M's of course) rounded out the day....