"Happy, happy birthday, baby"
For Samuel's first birthday, we had a little celebration with Mark's parents. We hope to have a birthday party with Samuel's cousins in Alabama this weekend.
Just like at Christmas, Mom had to open most of the gifts for Samuel. He would look at the accompanying birthday card for a minute and then toss it on the floor; he was more fascinated by the tags on the clothing he got than just about anything; and when it was all over, he spent most of his time playing with his "old" toys from Christmas and before. Go figure !
"Hey people, let's get this show on the road !"
This was unexpected, but Samuel was fascinated by the flame on the candle and tried to grab it! Fortunately, we blew it out before his hand got there. (Hope we don't have a little pyromaniac on our hands ! )
Samuel was not interested in eating any cake. Finally, Mom got him to take a little by eating it off her finger !
Samuel with Dad and his grandparents
One thing Samuel got was a dump truck, which was really too big for him at this stage (especially since he can fit in it !), BUT Mom found it on clearance for almost 70% off and it seemed too good to pass up!

We didn't realize until after his birthday was over that we forgot to give him his birthday spanking and one to grow on......oh well, maybe he'll make it to 2 without his growth being too stunted !