Samuel loves being outside; he seems content to just watch what's going on for longer stretches than he usually does most things.
Samuel has gotten old enough to be fascinated with watching the cats and the dog. The cats couldn't care less of course. However, when Samuel was outside recently and put down on a blanket, Sackett got so excited, his tail was wagging back and forth like windshield wipers. He got down on the blanket as close as he could to Samuel. Samuel enjoyed it; he just laughed and laughed.....UNTIL......Sackett got too excited and barked. He has a big bark and was close, so of course Samuel started crying. However, he quickly calmed down when he was picked up and held. This picture above is when Sackett decided the blanket was for pulling. He pulled the blanket over Samuel several times, which Samuel thought was funny. When Samuel's older, we're sure they'll be best buds, and even now they're both big drool boys :>)
All four of our critters: Sackett, the dog; Sophie, the cat (front); Gracie, the cat (back); and Samuel, (in the bouncy seat).
I won't eat you, if you won't eat me.....