Samuel was born one year ago today; who would have thought a year could go by SO fast !
Samuelseemed happy to be here (at first, anyway) ! When trying to compile these pictures, was surprised how relatively few pictures there were from those early months---don't know if that was due to sleep deprivation and exhaustion, too much crying by Samuel (who wants pictures of that !), or what.....(things are kind of boring in the early months!)
Hanging with Dad at 1 month; can't believe how tiny you were !
Happy in your swing at 2 months
Loves to be held at any age; this is 3 months
All dressed up with no place to go at 4 months !
Things start to really liven up around 5 months, especially since Samuel started sleeping through the night !
5 months
His first hike at 6 months; Samuel carried Dad all the way up the mountain on his back !
Swingin' at 6 months
Tough decisions in the fall---dress to please Mom ?.......
Or Dad ?
In his exersaucer at 7 months
First Halloween at 7 months
"First love" at Thanksgiving at 8 months
First Christmas at 9 months
Already reading at 9months (at least the book is rightside up !)
One of his favorite things......the remote !
First snow at 10 months
Helping with the laundry at 11 months
There's nothing "boring" about life now !! We can't keep up with Samuel !
What a wonderful day! Samuel is such a handsome boy and I'm sure he is a joy to be around! I'm just sorry we have not been there to enjoy him. We love you! -jessica
Sweet pictures! Sweet boy!! (Talented momma!!! You get the job of doing my scrapbooks in your spare time!) Hate to say this, but with my baby's 20th birthday looming ahead next week, I will - the first year is fast... but they only get faster from here on.
Pictures and updates on Samuel & Benjamin for our far-flung family and friends! Leave comments if you like, but mostly we just want you to enjoy the pics. We'll try to keep the site updated when we've got new pics. We think of all of you often and hope you enjoy "seeing" Samuel & Benjamin on a more regular basis !
Yeah!!! Happy, happy birthday, Samuel!!! I can't believe it either!
Micah, at 10:05 AM
Happy Birthday To You..
Happy Birthday To You..
Happy Birthday Dear Samuel..
Happy Birthday To You !!
LoVe YoU So MuCh SamUeL..<3 Kayla
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM
What a wonderful day! Samuel is such a handsome boy and I'm sure he is a joy to be around! I'm just sorry we have not been there to enjoy him. We love you!
Jeremy, at 5:44 PM
What a fun post! I can't believe it has already been a year!!! Happy Birthday big guy!
Anonymous, at 9:12 PM
Sweet pictures! Sweet boy!! (Talented momma!!! You get the job of doing my scrapbooks in your spare time!) Hate to say this, but with my baby's 20th birthday looming ahead next week, I will - the first year is fast... but they only get faster from here on.
Happy birthday again Samuel!
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
Hey, where are the birthday cake pictures?!!
Jeremy, at 8:54 PM
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